In this video, I will teach you on how to create a budget friendly Paludarium.
What is a Paludarium? As per Wiki A paludarium is a type of vivarium that incorporates both terrestrial and aquatic elements. Paludaria (or paludariums) usually consist of an enclosed container in which organisms specific to the biome being simulated are kept. They may be maintained for purely aesthetic reasons or for scientific or horticultural purposes. The word 'paludarium' comes from the Latin word 'palus' meaning marsh or swamp and '-arium' which refers to an enclosed container.
Paludaria can range in size from small, easily displayed boxes to biospheres large enough to contain entire trees. A prominent example of a very large paludarium is the rainforest exhibit at the Montreal Biodome.
Without a critter, a Paludarium will remain as Paludarium, but once you put any living things (i.e.
Small Reptiles and Amphibians, it will be called Vivarium.
Now what is a Vivarium? As per Wiki A vivarium (Latin, literally for "place of life"; plural: vivaria or vivariums) is an area, usually enclosed, for keeping and raising animals or plants for observation or research. Often, a portion of the ecosystem for a particular species is simulated on a smaller scale, with controls for environmental conditions.
A vivarium may be small enough to sit on a desk or table, such as a terrarium or an aquarium, or may be a very large structure, possibly outdoors. Large vivaria, particularly those holding organisms capable of flight, typically include some sort of a dual-door mechanism such as a sally port for entry and exit, so that the outer door can be closed to prevent escape before the inner door is opened.
I used cheap materials to create a 15 Gallon Paludarium. Please watch the video and create your own cheap but elegant PALUDARIUM.